{Photos by Sherry and me - wearing Katie dress and belt, DSW shoes, Aldo beret, BCBG coat, XXI ring}
Isn't it such a disappointment when you pursue someone only to find out that you probably never had a chance and all those hours spent Facebook and Twitter stalking have completely gone to waste? And then isn't it even worse when you finally say "wow screw that I'm SO over it" and then all of a sudden they start saying hi to you and insisting on talking!? Then you're confused as to what to do and take turns hating them and yourself and over thinking the entire situation. Yup. We've all been there. I guess for now I'll resort to the best kind of therapy available to mankind: pumpkin spice lattes, Ferrero Rocher, and nutella. Oh, and I'll wear a cute little beret in the hopes of looking like a romantic foreigner who actually enjoys solo strolls through the park and isn't forced to take them because no one want's to go for a walk with her.. At least I had some alone time to take pictures of these gorgeous flowers!


  1. This is really adorable look, dear~ I love the colors and the way you styled up the whole outfit~!

  2. Gorgeous look! Love that coat. Oh social media :)

    <3 Josephine

  3. wow this is such a beautiful Parisian-style outfit! I totally love your beret and the pops of navy under that gorgeous coat :)


  4. Really stunning photos, I love your whole outfit, reminds me of Blair Waldorf!

    Thanks for visiting my blog lovely,
    Daring Coco

  5. sooo beautiful Parisian-style!!! :) i love!

  6. I love this outfit. Those shoes are the cutest.

  7. YOU are wonderful, love everything you wear!

  8. cute preppy outfit.xx

  9. awwww,,,i feel you pain love...im sure everyone has been in that weird situation :/

    i love your jacket and ur beret looks quite sophisticated and indeed foreign.

    I followed you.... Follow back? :)


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