{Photos by Sherry - wearing Ralph Lauren rain boots, Banana Republic jeans, Katie top, XXI earrings, gifted hair bow}
 There are lots of good things about the rain. For one, it sounds so beautiful and calming. It also helps with life and all that jazz, but most importantly, it keeps the "omg I don't want to get my hair wet AHHHH!!!!!" girls indoors. I took advantage of this great opportunity by taking a very long walk around campus in my favorite pair of rain boots. I'm not sure if I love them so much because they're my favorite designer, or because they allow me to jump in puddles on my way to class. I think it's the latter.


  1. Que look tan chulo para dias de lluvia.
    Un besazo guapa

  2. That is such an adorable blouse, the colour, cut & details are lovely <3
    I love hearing rain on the roof, especially when I'm tucked up warm in bed

  3. haha i haven't jumped in puddles since i was 8! oh, the golden years. i really need to get myself a pair so i can join in

  4. I love your blouse is super cute!

  5. That top is soooo pretty! i love the color and how it's got a lace back;) Very sexy yet elegant! and cute rain boots! i need a pair too cuz i got none! lol



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