I (as I'm sure the majority of the world) have always considered myself to be a well balanced individual. So its come as a bit of a surprise to finally realize, perhaps my thoughts were all along, a bit flawed. 
Allow me. 

Exhibit A:
For the past two weeks, since the inevitable start of term, I have hidden myself away in various secluded spots in the city, and worked myself to near exhaustion. I rarely see anyone, I rarely do anything other than practice flute, grad applications, and term assignments. I've received more "where have you been?" and skeptical "why haven't I seen you since your return?" messages than I can count. 

And then, there's Exhibit B:
Mouna circa the middle of term last year - out and about almost every night. Always someone important to see, something new to do. Feeling on top of the world with the most fabulous friends a girl could ever ask for. Stressing away on Sunday nights about whether or not she had missed a reading. 

This, my friends, is obviously not balance. And as much as I mistake stress-free evenings and daily visits to the otherwise neglected gym as a healthy life balance, I have, in all honesty, left barely any room in my schedule to go out with my friends and far too much time for filling out schedules in my darling new gold day planner to the very last minute.
And so, let's take a step back and a bit of a breather. 

A little journey, if you will, back to Arizona - sometime in late August, with a scorching sun and much appreciated dry heat. Hiking the day away with close friends and an even closer water bottle. 
I've always loved long hikes. I enjoy spending the time alone: contemplating my next composition, setting up my tripod, walking several miles to see not even a quarter of my location, with (most importantly) never a single bar of connection in sight. Yes, this is important. I believe you can't fully enjoy these types of experiences if you're texting and tweeting every spare minute about how "so beautiful oh em gee!" the canyon is. Yes, you'll see some snaps of the grand thing on my instagram, but they were photographed on the spot, and posted way later - from the comfort of my bed, with all the extra time to spare (pinky promise). 
It's nearly two in the morning now, so I'm off to bed! Until next time 

Photos taken on Nikon D5200 and my handy dandy  iPhone 5S

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