Over-sized chunky sweaters are a deceiving fashion option. For starters, they have the miraculous ability to hide any food baby you may have acquired from excessive burger-and-poutine-binging followed by a neglecting attitude towards your local boxing gymnasium. They give for a laid back vibe while retaining a chic, I-barely-tried demeanor thanks to the emergence of minimalism (bless you New York, circa 1960). And, perhaps most importantly, they are nearly never warm. Say what you will, but your over-sized crochet sweater will only do you wonders against the harsh winter chill if you layer on a thick coat. All those cross stitches make for copious amounts of minuscule holes which allow all the cold air to flow freely all about your upper half; a sad realization in early to mid fall when "sweater weather" is nearly an excuse to dawn your bare legs in allegiance to the no-tights-club and assume the role of sweater wearing, ballerina bun rocking, cute uni student with matching leather backpack and boots.

But who are you kidding? You were cold as the blood in your bones.

Over the course of four years in Toronto, your body gets somewhat good at expecting the cold post-December's mild holiday season weather. Yet you'll never grow accustomed to the pain in your ears on your way to classes, or the inability to pull out your phone as you've stuffed your hands deep within the abyss that is your warm pockets. You wont adapt to the icy sidewalks that make your toes freeze-over and you'll never know how to possibly keep your chin up and eyes tear-free to know where you're going.
To combat my daily all-black attire, I threw on the only white pieces I could find in my condo (both borrowed from Becca's closet). These photos were taken as quickly as possible. Meriam and I shivered behind my little camera on a snowy, windy late afternoon. 'The 6' as they now call it, has been bitter this year. Stay warm, stay productive, stay healthy, and pray that I get better soon! I've fallen incredibly sick (though I've convinced myself I don't have the time or luxury of being ill) and my doctor is begging me to - wait for it - take a day off. To which I merely laugh and cry.

Thrifted Coat | Dynamite Sweater | HM jeans | Borrowed Fur Scarf | XXI Boots | Ralph Lauren Gloves

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