Inevitable abrupt cold post-September commonly surprises even the most fall-ready of individuals. One day we walk around in our short skirts, a very light jacket swooped over our shoulders, serving absolutely no purpose other than aesthetically enhancing the current ensemble, until suddenly (and usually within a rainy evening) we step outside to a rather unexpected bitter chill. *Runs back home, grabs thicker jacket*
Nevertheless, fall is perhaps the most rewarding, exciting, and important(?) of fashion seasons. Anticipated layering options finally granted to us, arguably the most beautiful and well designed, structured pieces once again wearable. I’ve found that the (relatively minute) period in between S/S and F/W* dress is approached with mild hesitation. The opportunity to once more indulge in the anticipated ‘sweater weather’ and thigh-high boots is more than exciting. Yet after the humidity and heat of the previous few months, our minds tend to overlook the fact that it gets too cold too fast to truly wear the styles seen in our favorite September Issue spreads.
This outfit was shot during a remarkably warm-for-October day - a well timed exception to the otherwise back-to-back cold experienced in Toronto. The opportunity to layer beautiful pieces for the mere sake of charm. This maxi is from Tobi, a rich maroon and luxurious article in its own right. Usually it would make for the perfect Caribbean vacation ensemble with its deep v-neck cut and (nearly) nonexistent back - however, pairing it with a simple white sweater made for a warm (enough) outfit with just the right amount of that ‘fall-look’ feeling we all strive for. Too bad weather does not always permit…

Tobi Front Slit Dress in Wine // H&M Sweater // Amazon Fashion Heels

*Spring/Summer & Fall/Winter - Referring to two of the four major fashion seasons.

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