We should probably all take a minute and hate on me for not blogging for...what has it been? a month or two? ...so yeah, deepest apologies--but, we all need a break eventually. I think I stopped to study for finals, then enjoyed my winter break back in Chicago, then got all caught up on life returning to University. Okay, so hating over! Now we can discuss something a bit more joyous. I've been obsessed with the band Little Joy for quite some time, especially the song "Next Time Around". The music is so incredibly calming and the lyrics so wonderful. I'm so obsessed with this song, it's probably unhealthy. If for some weird reason it ever gets played in the club, I'll be one of those obnoxious girls who cries and screams "It's my song guys oh my goodness!" and insists on dancing like a psycho in the center of the dance floor. But, it wont play at the club. We are all safe. Thank goodness.

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