Cookies, Jeans, and Other Fancies...
I hope you all took advantage of Modcloth's end-of-summer "Last Hurrah!" sale. I snagged this pretty peplum piece for 70% off. And it's got all these pretty pizzette cookie designs on the front. How tasty! It's a strange feeling, wearing jeans (these are super comfy though!), but this shirt does a good job of dressing them up a bit. And check out that pretty zipper on the back! Swoon.

Personally, life has been...interesting. School is going really well, and I'm trying to do this thing where I sit in the front and ask at least one question every lecture. Win for the profs already knowing my name. Despite all the hustle and bustle of school, I can't help but to feel a tad bit lonely these days.. I guess we all feel that way at times so hopefully it passess soon. Until then, more homework for me! Cheers xx
{Captured by Rob - wearing; Modcloth top, gifted jeans, Aldo shoes, XXI earrings, H&M Blazer}


  1. Really cute outfit! That top is adorable! Good for you for making Hang in there, and I hope you're having a wonderful day:)

  2. What a cute outfit! That color is lovely on you. Glad to hear school is going well so far!

    Ladyface Blog

  3. Love the peplum and the color of the top! :D
    Cute outfit.

    Good luck with school.

    Google + / Twitter / Bloglovin

    cassandra xx

  4. Lovely place and top :D


  5. So beautiful. Love the top.

  6. that color green really suits you! I love it on you, actually I love this whole outfit!

    Lady à la Mode

  7. What a CUTE post:) I like your blog and your look makes me happy.

    Check out my new post..Before-after pics of a cute beach house:)

    Have a fab week dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)


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