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Today is my birthday! Unfortunately I'm rather sick but that wont stop me from a bit of birthday girl indulgence. Maybe I'll go out and buy some macarons, cupcakes, gruyere, or whatever else I can nibble on while laying in bed watching Orange is the New Black with my lovely kittens on either side of me, a Holt Renfrew fall-collection magazine to drool over, and a picture of my number one birthday lust. Also, I have bath salts. win. Here's to taking the day off! Hope your day went well! xx


  1. Get better soon and happy happy b-day!


  2. Happy, happy birthday! Hope you start feeling better and get to enjoy all those lovely things on your special day:)

  3. I'm a day late, but happy birthday!!!!! I hope you feel better- how awful to be sick on your birthday. I hope you did get to do some indulging! Those macarons look too good for words, by the way.

    Ladyface Blog


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