November Chill
The city has very suddenly gotten very very cold. I had trouble taking these pictures (as did my photographer's cold fingers, I'm sure!) but was too excited to show you this new dress to stay indoors! Everyone's strolls to and from class have quickened, and everywhere you look, you'll spot thick sweaters, scarves, gloves, and winter coats. I've captured a few of the rather enjoyable plants growing around University, the leaves are stunning! Hopefully it snows soon as it's almost December and all the pretty lights are up :)...Oh this time of year is my favorite ~

A lot of you asked me about this lovely coat! I actually lucked out a lot with this purchase. I snagged this up from Modcloth's stylish surprise a few weeks ago :). If you're not familiar, you basically pay 15$ for a surprise goody! It's anything from a top, dress, skirt, or even coat! What a deal, eh? a 15$ coat! *swoon*
PS: Please excuse me for this most likely random and non-flowing post, I'm watching Finding Nemo as I write this :)
PPS: I'm on Instagram! and I post a lot more there, it'd be awesome if you joined me, if you like :). xx
{Captured by Rob and Me - wearing; Katie's dress, XXI tights, Modcloth coat, Enzo shoes}


Modcloth Uniquely You Challenge

Modcloth Fall Wishlist

Last week, Amy from the Modstylist team at Modcloth asked me to participate in their Uniquely You Campaigne! This weeks pick, was the call of the styled coat from their private label collection :). I styled it trying to keep my favorite fall pieces and colors in mind! A mustard sweater over a deep red dress, a darling cat-ear hat, some warm boots, brown satchel, a pair of cameo earrings, all under this navy and red coat :). What do you think?
Have a great day! xx

**Edit --
 I won the uniquely-you competition for styling this coat :)!! You can see my look and other winning weekly styles on their polyvore site :). xx


  1. Your dress and brogues are so lovely! Beautiful photos.

    Tara xo

  2. Love that dress and love those shoes! Your whole outfit is adorable! Great pictures--braving the chilly day was worth it:)

  3. It's so cold here now too! I love all of the colours and textures in your outfit, everything works so well together! Really pretty :) xxx

  4. Beautiful combination! Love this style!



  5. Oh sweetie! These pics are amazing and we love the dress!!
    Chic With The Least
    Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’

  6. Love the pictures of fall leaves! And I like the combination of this dress and the lightly textured tights :)

  7. The dress is so cute, especially the burgandy details! :)

    B xx

  8. You really got lucky with that coat! This is a gorgeous outfit!

  9. $15 for a coat that nice?? I am insanely jealous. Have you done that $15 thing before? Seems like a great idea but I'd be afraid it'd be something I don't like or doesn't look nice. Can you return it if you don't like it?
    Exploring My Style

    1. Yeah it was actually my very first time!! I lucked out compared to a few other people but I love a surprise so I took my chances! and no, you can't return it that's the catch!

  10. Awesome Stylish Surprise! Mine have been hit or miss but I can't resist a surprise. A coat is definitely useful here in Canada though! I love your Uniquely You board. It's one of the best I've seen styled around that coat!

    A Coin For the Well

  11. I love your coat and dress! This is a beautiful vintage look! Also, you did a fantastic job with the style challenge! Congratulations on winning! <3

    - Anna


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