Lace, Bows, and Brrs...
I love all things pretty, flowy, and sweet - but you already knew that! I literally swooned when I saw this dress over at Sammy Dress. It has all the essential cute elements on my "perfect dress list" (it's mental, I assure you!) It's a nice length, super thick, accented with a cute bow belt and lace details, a gorgeous shade of navy blue... what's not to love?! I'm sorry to say it's sold out (sob sob sob) but there are a lot of cute dresses and sweaters and shirts and all things pretty over on Sammy Dress so check it out! xx

Enough about clothes, let's get all tight and emotional hehehe... School has been pretty good, I'm feeling kind of lazy about school work, but let's be real, who doesn't? Anyways, I've found a new love for meditating - which is strange because over-thinking things really gives me stress but meditating makes me feel so calm and stress-free. I used to think I didn't have enough time to, but really if you incorporate it into your every-day activities, it works wonders! So tomorrow when you're in the shower, cleaning your room, cooking a meal, walking to work/class etc....think of all the things you are grateful for and then all the other problems sort of go away. For example, I've been worrying a lot about my future and where I will be in 5 years, but thinking that really slows you down - all we can do is unfold the next day, week, month, and try to do our best in the near future. The far future will unfold one day so for now, think of the closer moments. And if someone wronged you, greet it with open arms (easier said than done, and obviously I'm not promoting letting people treat you bad!!!) but really, there is nothing you can do so just acknowledge it happened, keep it in your mental data, and think of all the people who haven't wronged you and who are there for you and who make your life so wonderful :).
So, I wont bore you with my cheesy probably not beneficial advice, but there you have it! And now, I am off to go practice some more flute and enjoy a cup of salted dark chocolate mocha. yumyumyum. 
Let me know how you deal with shitty/stressful situations if you wish! Muah x
{Captured by Rob - wearing;  c/o SammyDress dress, c/o Firmoo glasses, Chanel watch, Sofft boots, scarf from Morocco, Tulle coat}


  1. What a gorgeous outfit! I love how much detail there is with the lace sleeves and the bow belt! Ah, t'is all just adorable! :)


  2. I think this dress wins the most adorable dress award! I love how you've styled it as well, the whole look is fab! xx

  3. The blouse you wore underneath is killer! Perfect vintage ensemble! <3

    - Anna

  4. You look cute dear and the boots is super cool!


  5. Your dress is so pretty, love the lace detail! It was great hearing from you...Happy Friday Dear!

  6. Oooh, loving the quality of these photos! You look marvelous, I adore the blue dress and those fur trimmed boots <3

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  7. I love this beautiful and stunning dress, the colour is amazing and the lace collar is such a feature. Love all the lace detailing.

  8. Beautiful photos, as always! I love your pretty dress and you always pose so well (if that makes sense? Haha). This is good advice and I am going to give it a whirl next time I'm in the shower - my place of deep thought. ;) It's definitely important to remember the good things in life and be thankful. I need to let all the negative stuff go too, and just learn from it.

    Tara xo

  9. Such nice outfit!
    You look so pretty and romantic!
    Beautiful photos! :D

  10. Nice look ;) Thanks for your comment!

  11. Another perfect style. Your scarf is fabulous :)


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