Finally a day in March that actually feels like early spring! These past couple of days in the otherwise crazy cold Toronto have been pleasantly warm (very light/no jacket weather). But of course, tomorrow we are expecting 6-10 more inches (yes, inches) of snow - so I'm not the happiest of persons! I'm just dying for a little spring weather, as we all are. My dear Robert is off to California tomorrow so I'm a bit jealous of the warmth (and delicious in-n-out burgers) ahead of him! There are just so many spring activities I'm eager a nice stroll in the park, or eating my lunch outside, studying under trees, and shooting and the pretty spring flowers... Hopefully it only gets better from here on out!

Just yesterday my dear friend Amina and I were discussing our attempts to reason with people who just...can't be reasoned with! And verdict - why bother if someone wont even take your opinion into consideration? And why try to have a normal, rational conversation with people who are just...totally irrational? As I said in my last point, people who - to put it bluntly - screwed you over, just learn to walk away from them. Seriously saves you a lot of mental sanity.

Currently listening to - Ghosts that we knew - Mumford and Sons
Firmoo Vouchers 8)
Anyways, enough about me - let's get to the good stuff! My over-sized, geeky glasses are from Firmoo, which you've probably already heard of. If you haven't, well, they're a pretty huge online retailer for glasses and sunglasses (the biggest if I'm not mistaken). 
Through Plated Pearls, they are offering three 50% off vouchers + free shipping of the glasses of your choice. 

To enter - simply leave a comment bellow telling me what kinds of glasses you like 8). I personally fancy a pair of over-sized spectacles as they do help me with my reading and I never seem to see the edges as much (less blurry ftw!)
{Captured by Robert - wearing; Firmoo glasses, gifted dress, Zara boots}


  1. I love that last picture of your reflection in the puddle! xoxo

  2. I love this look :) Your glasses are amazing!

  3. I am so so so jealous of the snow - it looks amazing! <3 and I love your hair too! You remind me so much of Dunya from Dearest Deer blog :)


    1. I'm actually so sick of all this snow! Can't wait for spring to finally come :).
      And I've read her blog, her style is really cute! (so thanks ;) )

  4. You are so beautiful and I love your photography. I am now in love with your blog <3<3

  5. Girl, who ever took your photos for you is amazing! I've been sporting rectangular frames for quite some time now- I like the chic look.

    1. I'll let Robert know you like them, he'll be thrilled I'm sure!
      Oooh, I love rectangular frames haha :) they are indeed very chic!

  6. That 4th picture is just the cutest, I love your dress! We haven't had any snow since this time last year, it's crazy. I think old age as taught me to just nod and smile when irrational people go off on one. They're just not worth the effort!

    Tara x

    P.S Yay for regular blog posts! <3

    1. Tara, isn't it crazy?? For some time I've smiled and nodded haha but when I saw the blizzard yesterday, I refused to go outside hahah! And I completely agree, if someone isn't going to change their mind anyways (or take into consideration your point of view) all you can really do is nod, smile (optional), and move on.
      and thank you hehe..I'm definitely working on it :D! xx

  7. Oh wow these photos are amazing! :) It is like they are telling a story, therefore, props to the photographer! :)
    You look so beautfiul in that dress- I like the perfect mix of black and white in it! :)
    Win a $100 gift card from Jollychic!

  8. Fantastic dress! Beautiful design <3 I love the pleated bodice!

    - Anna

  9. You look great dear!
    And the photos with snow are just amazing! :D

  10. oh loving your dress! you look so cute in it ;)
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

  11. Thanks Marlen! I'm actually raised in Chicago, my family is still there and told me all about the snow they got! I think the same storm carried over to us soon afterwards!
    I had a friend like that once was like impossible for her to be wrong but every little thing my friends and I did was interpreted so off. it was really unfair and she'd accuse us for not caring enough (what does that even mean...?) and being horrible people. I feel so liberated and sane headed now that it's over, sometimes you really just need to cut your losses! xx


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